Everything you want to know about securing Sync placements
Opportunities In Sync
Differences in music style for each type of placement.
How Supe's need music delivered for each kind of sync opportunity.
Timelines of each type of placement.
1. Television
2. Film (Major/Indie)
3. Promos
4. Trailers
5. Apps
6. Commercials/Ads
7. Games
Avenues To Get Your Music Placed
Sync Agents
Production Music Libraries
Getting Your Music Ready For Sync
Documents (Contracts and forms needed)
Formats and Version
Strategies and Music Styles for getting placements
Send Us A Song/Instrumental for Review
At the end of the first session you can send us a track/song for review.
The following week in class (or privately by email if you prefer) we will give notes on production, style, lyrics, instrumentation , etc pertaining to sync.
What Does A Music Supervisor Do?
A detailed overview of the Music Supervisors job
Facts About Music supervisors
Knowing “who” they are will help you understand how to approach them with confidence.
Researching Television/Film Productions
Websites, email lists, who follow, trades, IMDB Pro
Researching Music Supervisors, Sync Agents, and Music Libraries
Finding preferred music style and current projects in production and pre-production.
Song Review
We will go over student submitted tracks and discuss how they fit into sync opportunities. We will offer detailed suggestions for production, song structure, lyrics, etc.
Getting Prepared Before You Get A Placement
Contracts: Terms to Know
Understanding the Sync License
Understanding a Master Use License
Front End/Back End
Split Sheets and Musician Releases
Cue Sheets
Publishing and Copyright
Copyright/Registration, Metadata
The Process: From Request to Signature
First contact: Request of Use
Second contact: Confirmation of Use
Third contact: A License to Sign
Fourth contact: Payment and Cue Sheet
Send Us 2 Tracks of Your Choice for Sync Review
Review will be in week 4 of course
Song Review for Sync Placements
Review of songs/instrumentals submitted by students
We'll break down examples of Songs/Instrumentals for each type of placement:
• Background • Featured. • Montage
Follow the Leader
An examination of Songs, Creators, and Bands who have had success in sync
Song Examples
You Got The Placement!
Congratulations, but no, you’re not done yet!
How to make the most of this opportunity.
Marketing and Promoting your music using your placement.
Q & A of student questions.